- Hay un montón de historias acerca de su performance errática, de sus shows irregulares, de que es una persona complicada. Pero el jueves pasado ella se presentó muy simpática, cariñosa y accesible. Charlaba con todos, se reía, se hacía compinche.
- El viernes las cosas fueron un poco distintas. La vimos muy poco, llegó tarde y estaba nerviosa. Aunque parece manejarse de una forma mucho más profesional que en sus comienzos, es aparente que sus problemas de pánico escénico siguen estando ahí. Se movía de una forma extrañísima e insegura en el escenario. En la mitad de su show, se retiró por 5-10 minutos. Su banda improvisó un tema instrumental, y luego ella volvió. Parece que no soportó la presión del show en vivo y necesitó unos minutos de descanso para volver al escenario. Apenas terminó su show, se despidió de nosotros muy rápidamente y salió casi que corriendo al hotel. Fue un poco incómodo.
- Su show lo ví de una forma demasiado particular y rara, viendo parte desde el otro lado del escenario, cansado y un poco nervioso, y viéndola nerviosa a ella. Cansó un poco al final, y se extrañó la batería. Pero no escribo esto para hablar de su show, sino para hablar de una canción de ella. Una que no tocó el viernes y que muy posiblemente jamás haya tocado en vivo.

- "Willie Deadwilder" es un tema que jamás había escuchado de ella. Viene de bonus junto con el DVD "Speaking for Trees", del 2004. Es una outtake del "You Are Free", con M.Ward en guitarra folk y Chan cantando. Dura dieciocho minutos, y solo tiene tres acordes.
- "Willie Deadwilder" es un experimento que funciona. Es increíblemente repetitiva, con Chan cantando - o más bien narrando - durante la misma base de acordes que tiene apenas unos cambios mínimos, y no se terminá jamás. La letra es larguísima y no la leí entera, pero todo lo que entendí y los fragmentos que he leído me han gustado. Es una historia de amor muy larga y elaborada, yendo y viniendo de los protagonistas a un punto de vista más personal. Es difícil percibir sí fue toda escrita inicialmente, o tiene partes improvisadas.
- Brian Eno dijo hace un montón de años que la repetición es una forma de cambio. Cada vez que uno escucha lo mismo es ligeramente diferente, simplemente por ya haberlo escuchado antes. Pero "Willie Deadwilder", además de ser repetitiva, cambia todo el tiempo, por el hecho de los pequeños cambios de pulso y arpegiado de la guitarra, y la letra que jamás se repite de la canción. Es siempre igual, pero siempre distinta. Y termino cayendo en el trance de esos tres acordes, y la voz susurrada de Chan, y cuando se termina, siempre me parece que podría durar para siempre. Y ahí es cuando le pongo play otra vez.
Cat Power - Willie Deadwilder
Willie Deadwilder and Rebecca
They knew that they loved one another
He said fuck this cabby life
She said fuck this old trailer
He said I want you for my wife
Willie Deadwilder and Rebecca
They saw the same things at once
They shared the kind of stuff everybody dreams of
Finding out about, it's all about love
Willie Deadwilder and Rebecca
They got a few more years to go
Gonna have some good old times
No more sad, sad bad times
It's all that they've been waiting for
Someone to knock at the door
I tell you there are some people living alone
There are some people with nowhere to go
There are some people who don't believe in love
But Willie and Rebecca prove they're all wrong
First time I saw him he smiled at me
And the first time I saw her she was beautiful
Sixty-two plus forty-six equals one hundred and eight
Possible years they'll live long too
That's almost half of the rest of his life
That's over half for her
Willie was shot once in his mind
His cry out saved his life
Second time through the heart
The doctor pulled the bullet from his side
He had a job to do, he thought
That's his way of life
To take that car and pick her up
To be a man for her
Broken down and cut in two
She had been married for most her life
Now she's finally free for awhile
Long enough to see this man and what he means
When he tells her that God in on his side
No matter what, and will you marry me
Willie Deadwilder and Rebecca
They want to live a life
I wish I had a million dollars
So we could throw it all away
I wish I had a million dollars
So we could light it aflame
I wish I had one million dollars
So we could spend it every day
I'm on the same side as you
I'm just a little bit behind
And please don't bring me down
Please don't let me go
I'm looking for a new kind of thing
A place that makes my heart sing
Another question answered from above
Please don't let it worry you now
Please don't let it worry you now
I've seen inside your heart and soul
It's beautifully jacketed
An open hand and a mind to lend
There's nothing more romantic
Than a distant place behind your smile
Tells my eyes that I am coming home
Please don't bring me down
Please don't let me go
My heart is a worried thing
Memories have planted
Seeds of a field I now want to reap and sow
Maybe when I'm sixty-two, maybe when I'm forty-six
Maybe when I'm thirty maybe the next time I see you
We will have our universe for the first time, again
Rings around our sweet friendship
Will tear up in into a run
Galloping forever more until tomorrow is gone
I deeply say to you now
I deeply say to you now
I deeply say to you now
There's another question answered from above
You're the kind of friend of mine I never had
You're the kind of love I had that I never thought there was
Saint saint saint saint Augustine
Far far far away Georgie Koontz (?)
We gotta stake this thing out
We gotta laugh the whole day through
We gotta live the way that we want to
As long as God is willing, I am too
And as long as you are here, I am too
As long as he and she can forgive and love again and still love us too
You take my heart and you give it to me
You show me love I've never seen
You take my heart and give it to me
When Dylan sang Ramona in the taxi that night
I knew it right away would either be hard or be right
'Cause I'm not Ramona, and you didn't write that song
'Cause you're not Dylan, and I know we really do get along
Get along and get on with what it is you got to do
Go on get along with whome'er you choose
This is your life
But if God is willing, then I'm willing too, oh
I'll be in the front, back and side of you
Just many happily waiting for you
Saint saint saint saint saint Augustine
Far away far way Georgie Koontz (?)
You know what it is
You know what it is you got to do
A young little girl named Jennifer gave me a turquoise ring
A native sentiment of joy love and peace, I thank you for this ring
It's beautiful to me
A lady future journalist gave to me a lucky sweater to wear
Stains she had since eighteen, amazing that she did that
It would have been hard to do for me
A man named John wrote a song for me to sing
Also the most unbelievable flowers I have ever seen
He is a very good man
And he has been an even very good man to me
I hope that one day that song I will sing
Another love named Jennifer gives her care to me
A radiant heart with holy power, she believed in me
And with that gift I cry right now
But a memory of her laughing kills the beast
Another love I still love, a familiar face to me
A standing arch above my heart I've never been to reach
He's laid my head on the bed
And told me Sweet, I'm not crazy like the others say
No he's not crazy like me
This is a four hour song
And it will go on and on
A moment in time traveling on even if it is too long
I don't care
I love to share
I love to sing along
I know you do too
Feel the same way so come along
Sing your song
It's all that you have to do
I'm looking for that kind of mind
I never thought I'd find
I'm looking for that kind of love
I never thought was real
I'm looking for your heart
My dear are you
Looking for me
Please don't bring me down
Please don't let me go
With your love I have foothold
I can carry on
But please don't let me worry you now
Please don't let me worry you now
There's nothig I am saying
That could ever be made wrong
I love you, love you so
I love you so strong
Please remember your heart in me
Please remember it's not anatomically correct
Please know there's no boundary
And if God is willing to protect
Our love, a world of love
I think you'd be willing too
Where are you from
And where are you going to
We have so much to do
Where you are going is
Where you do come from
And where I will be is with you
We have so much to do
We have so much to do
We have so much to do
Hurry, hurry, hurry let's go
Hurray, hurray, things are gonna be okay
Hurry, hurry, let's go
All them children are waiting
It's time and they are ready
We got so much to do
And if God is willing
We have got so much
We have got so much
3 comentarios:
hermoso. gracias.
le tiraste los tiros?
Te olvidaste mencionar su exquisito gusto indumentario del jueves.
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